Configuring Fields

Registering Fields

Only attributes which are explicitly configured in the Jory Resource can be fetched using the API. A model's database attribute can be registered using the field() method.

protected function configure(): void

{info} A request which requests a field which is not configured results in a 422 error response.

Custom Attributes

A model's custom attribute can be registered using the same field() method.

protected function configure(): void

When you want to add a custom attribute to your Jory API without defining it in your model you can add it as a second parameter. The referenced class must implement the JosKolenberg\LaravelJory\Attributes\Attribute interface.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use JosKolenberg\LaravelJory\Attributes\Attribute;

class OrderTotalAmount implements Attribute

     * Get the attribute for the model.
     * @param Model $order
     * @return mixed
    public function get(Model $order)
        return $order->orderlines->sum('amount');


protected function configure(): void
    $this->field('total_amount', new OrderTotalAmount);

Eager Loading

When a custom attribute uses relations, fetching multiple models with this attribute could lead to N+1 problems. Use the load method to eager load any relations whenever the particular field is requested.

protected function configure(): void
    $this->field('total_amount', new OrderTotalAmount)->load(['orderlines']);

Filtering and Sorting

When registering a database attribute you probably want to be able to filter and sort by this column as well. To prevent registering this all separately the filterable and sortable methods are available when configuring a field.

protected function configure(): void

A callback can be added to set additional options.

protected function configure(): void
    $this->field('name')->filterable(function (Filter $filter){
            $filter->scope(new CustomNameFilter);
            $filter->operators(['=', 'like']);
        })->sortable(function(Sort $sort){
            $sort->scope(new CustomNameSort);

Default Fields

When no fields are explicitly requested by the API consumer the parser will return all configured fields. To prevent a field from being returned by default use the hideByDefault option.

protected function configure(): void

In this case first name will be hidden.

axios.get('jory/musician/1', {
    params: {
        jory: {}
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "last_name": "Jagger"

But first name is available when requested explicitly.

axios.get('jory/musician/1', {
    params: {
        jory: {
            fields: ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name']
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "first_name": "Mick",
        "last_name": "Jagger"

{info} Jory is totally independent of Eloquent's visible and hidden properties, so any visible or hidden settings on the model DON'T affect the result using Jory.