Configuring Filters

Registering Filters

To register a filter option use the filter method.

protected function configure(): void

The filter will be performed by applying a where on a column with the same name.

{info} A request which tries to apply a filter which is not configured results in a 422 error response.

Custom Filters

When you want to add a custom filter to your Jory API you can pass a callback or FilterScope class as a second parameter. A Filterscope class must implement the JosKolenberg\LaravelJory\Scopes\FilterScope interface.


protected function configure(): void
    // Search for musicians with a first or last name matching the search criteria
    $this->filter('full_name', function ($builder, string $operator = null, $data = null){
        $builder->where('first_name', $operator, $data)
            ->orWhere('last_name', $operator, $data);


{info} Filter callbacks are available since version 3.2.0

Or equal functionality using a FilterScope class:


use JosKolenberg\LaravelJory\Scopes\FilterScope;

class FullNameFilter implements FilterScope
    public function apply($builder, string $operator = null, $data = null): void
        $builder->where('first_name', $operator, $data)
            ->orWhere('last_name', $operator, $data);


protected function configure(): void
    // Search for musicians with a first or last name matching the search criteria
    $this->filter('full_name', new FullNameFilter);

{info} All filters are scoped, so any orWhere in a custom filter won't affect the rest of the query.

Filtering on Relations

Filtering on a relation's field doesn't require a custom FilterScope class, all registered filters in dot notation will automatically be translated into a filter on the relation using Laravel's whereHas.

protected function configure(): void
    // Search for musicians playing in a band which has an album with a name matching the search criteria

Available Operators

The following operators are available for any filter: =, !=, <>, >, >=, <, <=, <=>, like, not_like, is_null, not_null, in and not_in.
Use the operators method if you want to change the operators for a filter.

protected function configure(): void
    $this->filter('number_of_albums_in_year', new NumberOfAlbumsInYearFilter)->operators(['=', '>', '<']);

{info} A request which tries to apply an operator which is not available results in a 422 error response.

Registering on a Field

If you want to register a field and a filter on the same column in one go you could use the filterable helper method when configuring a field.

protected function configure(): void

A callback can be added to set additional options.

protected function configure(): void
    $this->field('name')->filterable(function ($filter){
            $filter->scope(new CustomNameFilter);
            $filter->operators(['=', 'like']);